воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

franchise business for sale children clothing

We live because we have purpose. Nothing is ever created without a purpose, even if it was... By "accident."

We stress ourselves over the smallest things. We take a look at ourselves and give ourselves bad news. In fact, when we turn on the TV, all we ever HEAR is bad news. Iapos;d rather hear GOOD�news for a change Iapos;d like to hear that our struggling neighbor with that incurable chronic disease has his life together and that him and his family are able to live our their lives. Iapos;d like to hear that my friends are accomplishing all that they set out to do. Iapos;d like to hear that one day, I am able to become what Iapos;d like to become.


And the thing is... We all have that opportunity.

Iapos;ve been stressed... Since I�took on some of the responsibilities of my boss. As much as Leanne is my sister, she is also my boss. She says that Iapos;ve done more than enough for the business. Like help her furniture shop like I wanted to. I�made a list to get her started, and found items that she would have never seen without me. I also bought her the computer program - Ikosoft. It has everything. It sends out automatic e-mails to your clients/guests, when you scroll your mouse overtop of a client, you can see their picture (so you recognize them right away), etc. This program is amazing, and worth over $1000. So I bought it for her. This is my gift to her for being so good to me... For allowing me this opportunity to work with the National SkinCare Trainer in Canada. I donapos;t know why, but Leanne is also very close to me. I donapos;t want to lose the relationship that I�have with her, because sheapos;s my sister.

But somehow, in my quest to help her... Iapos;ve gotten too involved with it. Iapos;ve allowed myself to get stressed out over this.

When all I should be doing is fine tuning my skills. Studying the products. Networking. All these things I�have been doing.

And in all the drama... In all the stupid drama... Where my previous boss kicked me out because he thought I�was stealing clients... In hoping, and longing for someone to share a deep connection with... In getting to know many different people...

Somehow, I�lost myself. I�lost the realization that I�have the opportunity to change. And in expecting myself to get results, while dealing with everything else. And then BLAMING myself when I didnapos;t get the results I wanted... When I wasnapos;t even DOING�anything about it, because I was dealing with the other stuff. The drama. So what did I�do?

I got frustrated with myself and started beating myself up. And in the midst of the stress... I stress-ate�

Leading to more frustration, etc etc.

But now Iapos;ve learned to take a step back. Iapos;ve learned to be thankful for where I am and what I have. And as much as Iapos;ve had some drama in my life... Iapos;ve had a good life. Iapos;m glad that I�never got involved with all the drama in high school. Iapos;m glad that my parents still let me live with them for the time being. Iapos;m glad that I have people who love me. What more could I�ask for?�

-To achieve my dreams.
-To change myself for the better.
-To find a guy who I can have that deep connection with. I call him "Sasuke." =P And have that... Forever.
-To continue building good relationships.
-To save people... To open their minds to new and excellent opportunities that will benefit them. Because they are my friends. My brothers. My sisters. My family. They deserve the best. I�have a lot of love to share. And if I�think something will benefit someone, I�make sure they damn well know about it.
-To change the world.

All of these are opportunities. And there will be more, when I�see them. But these are my opportunities... And goals and dreams.

But not just my opportunities.

They are yours too.

Anyways, I have to go to sleep now... Big day tomorrow. Makeup seminar (yes... I have to learn how to put on makeup) and then a fashion event at a restaurant where Iapos;ll have the chance to network.


franchise business for sale children clothing, franchise business for sale, franchise business financing, franchise business consulting kansas city.

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